Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Investing in Daal (Lentils, Pulses etc)

So we have all heard about the agricultural story and how emerging markets are moving up the value chain and need more protein. In addition to meat, lentils are a great source of protein especially for vegetarians (think India in addition to Middle East where pulses are consumed). Lentils are a staple part of the diet (in the emerging market as a whole) and the country despite being a major producer is not able to able to overcome supply side constraints on both production and distribution sides.

Refer to charts on http://wapedia.mobi/en/Lentil

Refer to charts on http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y4343e/y4343e02.htm

Agriculture in India, over the long term may be severely challenged due to rapidly dropping water tables and urbanization. Even if India meets the agricultural challenges, India will remain an importer in the immediate future.

Refer to charts on http://conservationfinance.wordpress.com/2006/08/

Why Alliance Grain Traders?

1. They provide value-added processing of pulses and buy lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas from farmers around their 24 facilities located in the best pulse growing regions in Canada, the United States, Turkey, Australia and China and ship them to over 85 countries around the globe.

Value added processing covers the following function - Alliance Grain Traders state-of-the-art production facilities features production lines for cleaning, sizing, splitting, colour-sorting and packaging a full line of lentil, chickpea, pea, bean and canary seed products.

2. Strong management with a dividend paying stock that has experienced a bit of a pull back. Investor presentations can be seen at http://www.alliancegrain.com/investor-relations/presentations.html
